Modelling Paradigms
How does value behave, and can we model it? Value can be created out of nothing but yet can go forever. It can be crushed in an instance, it can grow, and it can be diminished.
Like currency, it can transacted but it’s worth is different depending on perspective – it is directional. Value is temporal and can even be geo-spatial. It is indestructible like energy, it flows like a fluid, it can be captured like the wind. But we are told that flow behaviour (advection, diffusion, external forces) are not self-generating and compoundable. To understand value, we need to have a paradigm that models all this and more.
To measure value we will eventually need to come up with new 'models' that stretch our current conceptions of 'coming to know' something. Since the point is to lend ontological (or a part of reality) credence that in the past was ignored, we need new epistemologies. In other words, while the natural science models might bring us a first way to measure value, due to its intersubjective nature, we think the way of measuring for it will itself evolve to enable different kinds of knowing or 'truth'. The natural science models are founded in the belief that reality exists 'out there', but value resides 'in side', so somehow cries to be known in a different way.

These existing natural science models might help us bridge the initial gap between this so far untouched 'intangible' realm of the universe and our historical obsession with objectivity since the Enlightenment, but once we become comfortable talking about value more, then we can also come up with original ways of modelling it (and using those models). Using the analogie to introduce the topic in that way, however, is helpful as it gets you thinking about the subject in a new way.

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