Lecture: Language in the Workplace
Kate Russell is offering a Guest lecture on Thursday 16th May which may be of interest to your HRM students. Could you please promote the booking link via NILE and in your lectures.
Bad and inappropriate language have been in the news quite a bit recently. Look at the way the FA sanctioned John Terry for the racial abuse of Rio Ferdinand. What's the language like in your workplace? Suitably genteel or a little more industrial? We are getting more and more casual in the way that we speak, but employers still have a duty to protect workers from improper language. What challenges do we face with swearing at work? What risks do they pose? How do we deal with it?
This talk will tell you how to manage these problems in a lawful and ethical way. Speaker Kate Russell will give you hints tips and tactics to help you spot problems at an early stage, nip them firmly in the bud, getting you back on track, saving you time and money and reducing your risk of tribunal claims.
This is a free of charge event open to all members of the community as well as students and staff. There will be a buffet reception in the Hub from 6pm and the guest lecture will begin at 6.30pm for approximately 1 hour plus time for Q&A's.
Booking and further details found HERE.