Educational Products
As part of its mission to inform and educate, CCEG offers a wide and growing range of educational products disseminating information, knowledge and techniques of social value and intangibles measurement as capacity building tools for all interested parties.
Wiki university – CCEG growing network of universities and research bodies are constantly testing and developing the suite of impact metrics with a rigour and independence unrivalled in the private sector
MOOCs - the CCEG Massive Open Online Courses raise awareness of this emerging field and share insights into value metrics and disseminate the ‘how’ as well as the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of impact measurement
Github: Social Earnings Ratio - S/E
Assessment Software Tutorial (Worksheet)
Social Impact Metric We wish to collaborate with partners in an international programme to measure the social impact of organisations in different sectors. This began as an inter-university programme that started in the UK and now is opening up to international partners. . We have a manual and cloud implementation; the former requires the use of students who can be guided in their dissertation work on measuring social impact to create a ranking league table of a particular niche industry. The methodology is defined below but is being implemented in many universities already
The main features are:
• Rigour – academic framework based on Citizenship map
• Objective - no subjective terms
• Cross Sector – relevant to private, public, third and community sectors
• Size Independent – works with 1 person, SME, or large corporate
• Repeatable - 3 people around the world will come up with the same answers
• No financial proxies – use empirical data
• Scaleable – can efficiently process organisations in volume
• Fast – the automated version can give results every 10 seconds
• One number metric – easy articulation
• Big Data – for larger organisations requires no target, using only public data
• Inclusive – allows for pathways from existing metrics
For universities it provides:
a. Pedagogy in social business
b. Dissertation research topic for masters students
c. Participation in a high profile international programme
d. Contribution to the knowledge and research methodology on a global basis
e. Interface with some of the leading corporates
f. Equal membership of a new Centre for Social Business
g. If desired and considered separately, create enterprise & consultancy income
Universities often take 20+ postgraduate students say (eg MBA), and each measure 5 corporates to give a 100 league table for a sector aligned to your interests. If you have more students then this is scaleable of course.

More coming soon
Please check back soon as we populate our new website with CCEG's wide range of projects and research areas.