The Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise & Governance (CCEG) was established in 2013 as a university research hub for investigating the measurement and application of social value.
Since its inception, work at the Centre has created the ability to rapidly and independently provide a single number index score of social value that can be applied to any commercial or public organisation, any community, region, sector and even to individuals. Development of the application of these social valve and intangible metrics has now been ceded to the external company Seratio Ltd., leaving CCEG to operate as an independent, not for profit, research think tank and policy institute concerned with the development and use of social value metrics as a measure to promote a just, prosperous and sustainably secure global society.
Think Tank
Our think tank team comprises of some of the most distinguished International Thought Leaders and Advocates of non-financial and social value. Collectively providing a power house of intellect and capability to influence political, economic and social development
Social Value & Intangibles Review
A world class Advisory Board to lead this unique journal providing leading opinion articulating value
Each CCEG Associate is actively engaged in research and/or consulting in the field of intangible value.
Metrics Approvals Committee
Committee members are selected for their professional and academic expertise across varied sectors. The Committee examines and approves the release of all new metrics, providing a rigorous and robust process.
The Board are responsible for the over-arching strategy of the think tank and for its governance and operations
Our team of staff drive the development and research of our work, deliver the promotion and publicity of the think tank and pursue new alliances to expand the global audience we reach.

Practical, efficient and applied research has been the hallmark of the CCEG. Since 2011, our research and delivery has been endorsed by Governments, public, private and third sector organisations and world leaders. CCEG is now followed by more than 41,000 individual members and subscribers across the world. The demand for more research and application arrives from a very broad and diverse stakeholders, all of whom are highly motivated to both understand and articulate the full value and impact their organisations, or projects are creating.
Research and development is continuing within the spheres of Organisational Value, Personal Value, Health & Wellbeing, Freedom (slavery), Animal Welfare, Impact Investment, Consumer/Charity and Industry based indices.
> Click the timeline below for an interactive history:
The CCEG UN Blockchain Lab is proud to announce the SDG family of Digital Coins which not only carry the usual attributes of blockchain, but have the unique property to make SDG investment contingent on the social impact to be achieved, or that a set of values determines the economic rewards – all within a single transaction instrument. This is one of the most innovative Financing for Development mechanisms available today
Application and promotion of CCEG’s work occurs through a growing number of collaborating organisations.

1 (604) 550100
Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise & Governance
Trinity Chapel, Nixonville, MT

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